Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Erebus Haunted House

Erebus is one of the world’s scariest and largest haunted houses and it is located in Pontiac, Michigan. It is four stories tall of torture and terror. Up until last Friday I had never been there before, but I definitely had heard all of the hype about it being ridiculously scary.
My friends decided that we were going to take on this crazy adventure. After researching everything that I could from the website, I came to the realization that I was going to be scared out of my mind considering the fact that I already was. I learned that it had set a world record for being the longest walk through haunted house. I watched every video and looked up all of the characters in the house and I was already too afraid to go.
When Friday night came by I was nervous throughout the entire two-hour wait alongside the building. Random creatures would come up to me and get really close to my face intensifying my nervousness. One of the things that I was dreading seeing most was a clown; I have been absolutely petrified of clowns ever since I was a little kid. Something about their makeup and the way they act has always scared me.
It is easy to say that I screamed my way through that entire haunted house. I clung on to the person in front of me and wouldn’t let them go for anything. Although it was quite terrifying I would definitely say that it was completely worth the twenty dollars that I spent on my ticket. I really recommend visiting Erebus at least one Halloween season of your life. If I can survive then you can survive. You will definitely not be disappointed.

Below is a link to the website if you would like to check it out!

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