Saturday, October 12, 2013

Booth Park

This weekend I have been babysitting some kids who live in Birmingham and I took them to a park in downtown Birmingham called Booth Park. I take these kids to parks all the time to play but this park definitely stuck out in particular. This park was perfect to take kids to, whether you had children, siblings, cousins, or kids that you were babysitting. This park was located in the heart of the town and it was a very nice area. The park has a large gate that you enter through and once you walk through you are greeted with play structures,

picnic tables, tunnels, a bridge, and even a large open field for the kids to run around and play games on. What we did was we packed sac lunches and we spent the entire day at the park. The kids played tag and hide and seek almost the entire day. And then we had lunch and then went for a hike along the river. This was a great nature walk for kids and they really enjoyed it. Also one of the main events at Booth Park was the big hill that they have. It is made of turf and the kids slide down it on cardboard. They really enjoy this and scream and laugh the entire time. The kids begged and begged me when we left if I would take them back there next time that I babysat so that they can go down that hill again. The park was overall not that busy. There were a few other families there, but for a lot of the time we were able to have the park to ourselves. When the kids started to get tired we walked next door to the ice cream parlor to enjoy a cool tasty treat. It was warm outside so the ice cream melted fast as we walked back to the park. It was very convenient to be able to walk to get ice cream and then just walk back. Overall I really enjoyed this park and I will definitely take the kids back there so that they can enjoy a day of fun there again.  I recommend it to anyone who is interested in visiting any parks in Birmingham. It was a great way to keep kids distracted for a long period of time while they enjoyed having some outdoor fun!

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