Monday, October 7, 2013

Detroit Zoo

A few weeks ago I visited the Detroit Zoo for the first time in a long time. The Detroit Zoo is located in Royal Oak, Michigan. When entering the zoo I realized that I was going to love it just as much as I did when I was a little kid. I walked along the general zoo map, which I have posted here so you can see the entire outlook of the zoo. It was like we walked in a huge circle. For the first time in my life I got to see a sloth. I have always thought that sloths are really creepy animals so I was very interested to see one. And I can promise you that it was just as weird to see in person as it loos in photos. I was most excited to see the Giraffes. And actually on the day that I was there they had a deal where you could feed the giraffe for five dollars! So I took advantage of this opportunity and got to feed the giraffe and it was definitely worth the wait in line because it was one of the coolest experiences. The giraffe was huge up close in person. I would really recommend feeding a giraffe if the opportunity ever presents itself to you. As we progressed through the day stopped and ate lunch right outside of the polar bear exhibit. It was cool because a duck came right up to my friend and I and ate anything that we dropped on the ground. I was able to hand feed the duck as well because it was apparently not afraid of humans at all. This was a neat experience it is one of the memories that you look back on and don’t forget. Visiting all the animals was really cool I especially liked seeing the gorillas, tigers, and foxes. But after we had visited all the animals, we went inside to look at a photo art gallery that a friend had recommended that we go see. I was nor expecting this art gallery to be nearly as exciting as seeing all the animals was, but looking at these photos was actually my favorite part of the entire experience.  These photos that were taken of animals were absolutely amazing. They were definitely once in a lifetime photo opportunities. For almost every single photo I was speechless because they were unlike anything that I had ever seen before. I so badly wanted to take pictures of them, but pictures were strictly prohibited. Overall I absolutely loved the zoo! I had so much fun and I will definitely go back and visit again. I think that of all the blogs I have written so far that this place is a must visit place! Here is a link to the Detroit Zoos website so that you can explore everything that is has to offer.

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